Saturday, April 28, 2007

Late night blogger

I'm sure most parents can relate, I can't get much done when A~ is around. Anything that requires thought or concentration anyway, which is why I end up blogging at work (naughty) or late at night. Work has picked up a tiny bit so there's less opportunity to update the blog.

I'm not sure if anyone would remember that I mentioned that K~ and I were thinking of moving to Viet Nam after selling the house, but we're still thinking about it. Oddly enough it sounds more appealing now, not less. I have been addicted to reading expat blogs. I'm going to post links to some of them. Maybe not tonight but soon. Anyway, it would be a huge huge change. Ya, think?! However, I think it would be for the better, as in we'd appreciate what we have here that much more and the added bonus would be that we'd have gained knowledge of our family's heritage (I say ours because it's a part of my husbands and sons and therefore mine too). And I really have little desire to live in Sweden, Norway or Germany (all my mutt-like heritage) which are all a little too similar in climate to MN. I'm hoping to avoid snow for any length of time, for hopefully the rest of my life. I will gladly visit any or all one day, but live there? No.
Not to mention that in VN my husband will get off the plane and look into a sea of familiar/similar faces. And I really want that for him. I also want to know what it feels like to not see those faces, to be the odd man out. I know that from everything I've read so far that the Vietnamese are for the most part very kind and accommodating to foreigners (for many reasons), at least that's what I hear. So I imagine I would not be subjected to the sorts of racism that K~ or others have faced here in the US, but I think that the fact that I will be aware of my race, my pale skin and odd body, will in itself be a very different experience and will hopefully give me some insight and understanding. I may not walk a mile, but at least a few blocks (in his shoes). It would be an amazing experience and when I get scared and think "what the hell are you thinking" I realize that I would never ever regret going, but I would always wonder "what if" if I didn't. That is what keeps this crazy scary idea alive in my brain. It's almost all I think about, when I'm not thinking about how to adopt without any money. ;-)

Ahhhh adoption. how do you adopt from VN while in VN as an American citizen? I am sure it's complicated as hell and twice as much, between the US and VN governments, they could F*k up a junk yard. They've made great strides in the adoption department (sarcasm). Just when I think I have something figured out, some big pile of poo lands in my in box from Yahoo groups. And just like anything it doesn't go away until you deal with it. So I read what I don't want to hear, and pray that the next round of group daily digests holds better news. Well, they might get things straightened out by the time I'm a grandma. That doesn't help us now. Sorry, don't mean to be negative, but it's been so difficult to figure out what to do. I really can't see us waiting 2 more years to bring our daughter home. And the simple fact is long waits or more clients does not necessarily mean ethical, good service provider or less in it for the money. All it means is long wait. And things would be a lot easier if I were ignorant cattle. But I'm not. At least I hope not. I know that in reality things would not be easier to be ignorant because someday the questions will come and if I didn't ask questions now I'd have a lot more to answer when Laurna got older. Sometimes it's hard when you know you should be asking something, but you have no idea what the magic question is; the question that will get responses from the groups or the question that will get the truth from an agency.
Looks like I've got a little more time to figure this stuff out, and hopefully do more than toss a dart at a wall plastered with the Hanoi Embassy's list of licensed agencies (minus a couple "hell nos"). Which is a very tempting thing.

Good luck to anyone in the process.

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