Monday, April 02, 2007

Bittersweet Progress

This weekend we had A~ head over to Nana's for a few hours for 2 days and managed to accomplish a lot. We now have an official office! A~ has stated several times that he doesn't care for it. I'm thinking it's because it was his bedroom and because it's not a playroom, but an office, so therefore must remain largely toy free. Bummer. ;-)
A~ is full of all sorts of adult like comments these days. Like telling daddy that he's had enough candy, which is phrased very loudly and in the middle of the candy isle at SuperTarget: "K~ that's enough now, you have just too too much candy all of the days!" (K~ has a sweet tooth) he also says "speaking of..." or "actually..." which cracks me up every time.
A~ has taken to playing big brother, which is his game he made up this weekend where I am his baby sister and he tucks me in "bed" on the couch he'll tell me sweetly that he is going to bed too but if I need him I can yell for him. So I yell or whine and say I'm scared, he then gives me a toy to hold to protect me, then he'll go back to his bed on the loveseat. If I'm too quiet and don't yell he checks on me anyway, then says "now you're mommy, mommy you need to yell more, okay now your my baby sister". He goes and lays down. I whine, yell, drop toy on the floor, he picks it up tucks me in then says sweetly, "now baby, I'm tired too, I'm trying to sleep, go to sleep." Ahhhh... wonder where he's heard that before? No, not me!
The office looks very nice. We used old paint we had from other rooms and mixed up a nice warm beige color. We bought some white paint for the trim. Off topic: white paint, why is it that the 2 times I've purchased white paint I have received a sarcastic comment from the paint guy? If you look at those paint chips there's about a thousand different colors of white, I picked whipped white, which had one drop of red and one drop of yellow in it. And the guy says "well there might be a little color to it, ha ha-ha ha" his tone was as if to say "really lady you're making me mix paint for this??" Yes I know, there's a little bit of color in it that's WHY I chose it! (and hey paint guy, have you looked in your paint department? If you have a problem with mixing white paint, you're in for a treat!) Thank god the office is done, now I have moved on to organizing and putting things away in big Rubbermaid containers.
The first items I packed away were all of the things we had purchased and received for Laurna. I nearly ended up in a puddle as I labeled the box. But I tried to keep thinking of this as temporary. It just feels so permanent. I keep wondering am I not thinking of something? Is there away we could continue even without K~'s job? Maybe I should ask more questions, but I'm not sure what questions I should be asking!
We finally have health insurance again! That is a huge load off my mind. And just in time for A~'s 5 yr check up. Boy was it difficult to get it though. We have MNcare, and they seem to take their sweet time no one even knew where the paperwork was for a month, then they asked for records twice. It's a good thing we started the process one month after he lost his job, it's been in process for 3 months! But we have it, and I can breath a little better and I'm soooo getting new glasses! (and a family teeth cleaning)

I'm going to try to find some before pictures of the house so I can post before and after pics.

Things that make me happy today:
Paint; I love how a coat of paint can change a room, and even your mood.
Health Insurance; getting it is hard, keeping it is necessary, COBRA is awful, and not having to worry is 'priceless'. ;-)

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