Tuesday, April 17, 2007

On the adoption front

As far as the adoption is concerned I have finally been able to go back on the Yahoo groups and read about others' progress, I mostly lurk since I can't quite let myself put both feet on the path. I love hearing the stories of families being united and am glad to see the progress of VN adoptions in general, but admit it is hard and I do have a sense of why not us? What keeps me going is that I do believe it will be us, eventually.
It's taken a long time to get the house ready and we'll be putting it on the market in the next 2 weeks. Who knows how long it'll take to sell in this market, I think it's a great house and would sell quickly, I'm sure most home sellers think that.
In the meantime I am hoping to get the ball rolling on fundraising for the adoption. At this point we need to raise funds from beginning to end, and we'll open a savings account for it. My first thought is to send out a mass letter to all relatives and family friends. Next thought is to have some sort of fund raising event, which I've never done. I see we get some visitors here, quiet ones ;-), but if any of you have ideas please comment!
And if any one's BTDT in adoption fundraising or similar please share!

On a separate note, has anyone had to light a fire under their DH's butt? I have always been open and honest about what kind of family I hoped for, 2 kids. He's never been gung-ho on the parenting thing, but I figured most men aren't like most women, and he's amazing with A~ and would be a great dad to #2. Well obviously having #2 has been a little more difficult than simply knocking me up, so he's 100% OK with adopting, especially from VN, but he's just in no hurry (he's from the Scarlett O'hara "I'll think of that tomorrow" school of thought on everything). I feel there is a time issue for us, I had hoped our kids would be close in age, that's not happening, and I hoped to be done having kids by now, that's not happening. So I hope to get the adoption rolling ASAP since as we all know adoptions have a way of not going the way you hope or as fast as you hope, but at least we'll have things in motion.

Any advice?

1 comment:

saucygoat said...

I'm actually in the same exact boat as you. My husband was 100% on board with adopting, but wasn't completely committed with doing it TODAY. That is why our journey has taken so long. It just took time. We talked a lot. And it took months for him to sort of jump on board with me. I imagine your husband just needs time to be on the same page as you. Just talk about it; not being pushy or adament. I always just opened up conversations about adopting from Vietnam in general - talking about race issues, talking about sibling issues, talking about things that addressed already having our child home. That's all it was, talk. And slowly but surely we got there (it probably lasted about 7-8 months, which is a really frustrating long time! ;p). We finally put in all our paperwork for our homestudy a little over a week ago and should be hearing from our social worker anytime now. I wish you luck and hope it all turns out well.