Tuesday, March 20, 2007

More Important things

On to more important things: We have been so slow at getting our home ready for sale. It's just that doing anything we need to do, which is mainly painting, during a MN winter is not really feasible. Paint drys sllllooooow in the cold. Plus it stinks and I need windows open. I know, excuses. But their good ones! What have we finished? Well, we laid new carpet in the master BR all by ourselves! Looks great! We switched the rooms around so that the MBR is the MBR not an office. A~ has what was the old MBR before the addition, which in my opinion is the best room in the house, lucky boy! He loves it! Then his old room will be an office, if we can paint it. I rearranged the living room and we bought a small entertainment center, the old one was a huge teak thing built for stereos in the 1950's I was always afraid it would collapse under the weight of our TV. But being the cheap (ahem, frugal) people we are we could never find the extra $ to replace it. And I'm so glad we did.
Today we got our new front entry/storm and mudroom storm doors installed! I have yet to see them in person, but K~ emailed me pics. It's a drastic change from the original 1950's dark solid wood door and (homeowner made) screen doors! I hope it's a good investment. I remember walking up to our house for the first time and thinking these doors are why it hasn't sold. (and why we got such a great deal on our house!)
Next on the list, painting, and more painting. We have to paint the office, the bathrooms (3 of them) the nasty 1950's cabinets, and the stairway. Then we need to replace the flooring in the kitchen and do some serious decluttering/packing up.
And on top of it we've been trying to conceive again, without drugs and Dr.s, so who knows, but we figure we may as well try since adoption's not possible at the moment. It's been difficult to not get hope up. It's been difficult to even try again, since the end of every cycle can be so disappointing. But I tell myself I am hopeful, not wishful. This month I wasn't feeling well and was 4 days late. But, I'm still hopeful, for next month.
K~ hasn't found a job yet. We're not sure how to tackle his getting a job since we'll hopefully be moving out of state. I think he should look into a national company where transfers would be easier. Heck, I'd transfer nearly anywhere!

We've been talking about and I've even been looking into living and working in VN for a year. That would be the best way to learn Vietnamese! Not to mention I love the food, most of the culture and K~ would really benefit from it (A~ and I would too of course)! The only thing I'm not sure I'd deal with well is the heat and humidity.

1 comment:

LaLa said...

We are trying to get our house ready to sell too and it is no fun! I don't have the cold excuse but I am lazy..so that is mine I guess...